Blue skies.

Dont you just love that feeling of gratitude when your eyes witness something insignificant yet ever so beautiful. I was out and about in Machang for groceries shopping and basically just to get the fuck out of the house. As i was on the motorbike, with the wind in my face, the cool breeze enlightened my nervous system. It was a light feeling, having your burdens of stress drowned out. I passed along this road with an abandoned building on the right side. That was when i spotted two little grey kittens sleeping side by side and it immediately hit me - life really is beautiful. "The world, even the smallest parts of it, is filled with things you don't know." Beautiful quote eh? Most people are blind-sided by those kind of insignificantly beautiful scene. I'm glad i've had my eyes peeled for the littlest things. Its the littlest things that matter sometimes. I've been drowning in my own pool of frustrations these couple of weeks. Now, i'm learning to swim, to float. I can see the source of the sunlight and i've decided to stay afloat, overlooking the beautiful blue sky.

Oh i'll be okay. InsyaAllah.

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