In a few days, i'll be kissing 2010 goodbye, for good, with tears of joy in my eyes. 2011 is fast approaching. Everything is twirling around at the speed of light, everything that i went through in 2010 has turned into nothing but vague pasts. Vague memories, that's what they have become. I went through a lot in 2010 - most of 'em deserves an abrupt, aggressive wave of middle fingers but they ain't that bad, to be completely honest, 2010 definitely deserves an all around cheers! My scattered pieces of puzzles of a mind has been slowly not completely but surely slowly being matched to fit the pieces altogether. Sometimes i still don't get the world. I thought as i grew older, i would understand and manage to comprehend the world much deeper.. but reality is - the older you get, the deeper you tend to crawl back into the pitch-black abyss. And the disturbing part is, sometimes its for you own good! When i come to think of it, i have slightly grown. Not wiser or smater but in the manner of being able to view the world in different, more sanely, perspective. I'm trying to lower down my expectations on life as William Shakespeare would say "Expectation is the root of all heartache." and that couldn't be more precise. But i am only human so i'd end up setting my expectations sky high anyway and being massively disappointed in return. Whoopeedeedoo! I promise myself not to make resolutions anymore since i never fulfill any of it but i have to aim for something, right? So in courtesy of 2011, i will take the challenge of completing my resolutions whole-heartedly! Except for.. i haven't made a list yet. So in these long days before 2011, i'll make a list for it. And hopefully, by 31st December 2011, i'll have the joyous, cheerful, genuine, victorious smile on my face and scream "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!" and give myself a well-deserved pat. Oh dream, dream, dream Mira. Dream big!
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